Socio-Economic Determinism and Climate Change


Jan-Erik Lane ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-18 | Views: 1016 | Downloads: 250 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445878

Volume 6 - November 2017 (11)


The global warming problematic is in reality decided not by the UNFCCC or IPCC with its mastodon meetings. The decisive players are the states of the following BIG polluters of CO2: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia Mexico, South Korea, Canada, Australia and the US, despite the fact that its present government already has defected from the common pool regime, set up in Paris 2017, These countries together with international shipping and aviation are putting out more than 50% of the CO2s. However, they are little interested, because they emphasize the policy-making of socio-economic development, either economic growth with rich countries or the “catch-up” strategy with poor or emerging economies. Resilience will decide which countries can support the consequences of climate change.


Greenhouse gases, CO2, methane emissions, decarbonisattion policy, international coordination.


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