Manifestation of Empty Space in Facades of Iranian Contemporary Architecture


Arash Mahjoub Ravesh , Dr. Mahmoud Abedi , Vahid Setayesh Far , Hashem Karimi Arab ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 31-39 | Views: 397 | Downloads: 131 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5592735

Volume 10 - September 2021 (09)


With an emphasis on the invitation property, empty space is one of the basic concepts in the Islamic architecture of Iran. Thus the Iranian architects have always tried to utilize this concept in their works. This article is drawn from research on the recognition of quantitative and qualitative qualities and the notion of empty space in traditional Iranian architecture and the manifestation of these concepts in modern building facades. This article seeks to answer the key question whether the key elements of the empty space affect the invitation property of the facade? To answer this question, case study method and combinational solutions are used to collect data by library and field methods. Ten examples of modern architecture which had the ability of studying the concept of empty space were chosen from the works of fifties onwards. These works were studied in terms of the manifestation of empty space elements in them. Then a group of architecture students were used for specifying the invitation property. As a result most buildings which have a lot of empty spaces have the invitation property regardless of other empty space characteristics.  Also the results showed that the concepts related to the motion are not highly effective in the invitation property of these works. The effects of homogeneity and axis orientation of empty space are more analyzable in the invitation property of these works.


empty space, contemporary Architecture, Façade, Islamic Architecture, invitation property


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