Comparative Analysis of Selected Agricultural Sector Performance Indicators between Developed and Developing Nations in Relation to Food Security


Adedayo Oladipo Ayegbokiki , Ignatius Olusoji Vaughan , Hezekiah Oluwaseun Arigbede ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 36-47 | Views: 1239 | Downloads: 293 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445884

Volume 6 - November 2017 (11)


A sound agricultural performance may be of help in contributing positively to the food security of many nations, even though, achieving food security in its entirety will continue to be a challenge not only to the emerging nations but also for all countries. In other words, food security issue is not limited to a particular region; it is a challenge that the whole world must proffer a sustainable solution.


Data used in this study were sourced primarily from the database of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOSTAT) and World Bank. Representative countries were selected from each region of the world for this study. Percentage of the average annual rate of growth was calculated, and aggregated agricultural sector performance indicators of these regions were presented in charts and tables. The result revealed that Africa region recorded low index values for most of the performance indicators. Asia and North America regions are doing much better as they showed significant improvement since the year 2010 as their agricultural contribution to their region’s GDP improved. The relationship between the BRIC nations seems not to have a much significant effect on the performance of their agricultural sector. Targeted efforts in Africa, especially, and other regions will result in the overall success of the globe in facilitating sustainable food security.


Agriculture; performance; food-security; economy; indicators; sector.


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