Effect of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction among Non-Teaching Staff in Secondary Schools in Keiyo South Sub-County, Kenya


Patrick Kimutai Ngeny , Dr. Ronald N. Bonuke , Dr. Geoffrey Kimutai Kiptum ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 42-51 | Views: 1273 | Downloads: 386 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445853

Volume 6 - October 2017 (10)


The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of remuneration and promotion on Job satisfaction among non-teaching staff in secondary schools. The theoretical framework was based on Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory and McGregor Theory X and Theory Y on motivational theories. The research adopted an explanatory research design. The targeted population comprised of 408 non-teaching staff in public secondary schools in Keiyo South Sub-County, Elgeyo Marakwet County. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 202 non-teaching staff drawn from 35 high schools. Data were collected using questionnaires. Multiple regressions were used to test hypotheses. Quantitative data gathered in the study were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques which were frequencies means, percentages, distributions, and standard deviations. The findings from the study indicated remuneration had a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction, while promotions had an insignificant impact on job satisfaction. Thus, the study concluded that remuneration is important determinants of non-teaching staff job satisfaction in secondary schools. There is, therefore, need to ensure that employees are fairly remunerated and paid by the national government like other civil servants. Employees’ qualifications together with experience need to be commensurate to their pay at all levels of the organization to enhance job satisfaction.


Non-Teaching Staff, Remuneration, Job Satisfaction, Promotions


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