Telecommunication Services in Jordan: Zain a Case Study


Dr. Mohamad Shehada , Ubuoh E. A ,

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Volume 6 - March 2017 (03)


The opening up of the telecom sector to competition is an important step forward for the whole Jordan economy, as well as the telecom sector itself. Telecommunications have become vital for the conduct of any business, and many activities in personal life as well. It is not just a sector, but a key part of the infrastructure supporting the modern state. The move also brings Jordan closer to fully adopting all the requirements to become a developed country, and its free market principles which are very much part of Jordan’s goals, It is also expected that other sectors will follow. Over the decades, Zain has done a good job of offering a high standard of services to the Jordan. Thanks to its commercial discipline, its needs have no fear of the forthcoming competition across the board, although it is very likely to find that good player offering particular specializations will challenge it on pricing and how the services are bundled or offered.
When looking at the reality of the matter and after the announcement of the second operator we find that the competition had only started. Zain knew that from other experiences around the world that it is normal that around 30% of the customer will switch to the competitor in 3 years time and had to do something to reduce that as much as possible. As every possible customer is now a Zain customer, more customer focus approach should be developed to achieve the required result which is "Customer Loyalty."


Telecommunications, Services, Competition, Customers, Loyalty,   


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