The Impact of Educational Leadership on Student Success in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
Bogosi Monyamane , Osimile Dithologo ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 08-16 | Views: 14 | Downloads: 4 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14917691
Volume 14 - February 2025 (02)
Educational leadership is often regarded as the backbone of educational success since it considerably builds the capacity of the organisation in achieving its strategic goals. This paper examined the impact of educational leadership on student success in higher education, utilizing a qualitative literature review approach and gathered information from existing published documents and research work, such as articles, books, reports, and strategic plans. Based on the findings from the literature, the following recommendations are made for educational leaders in higher education: while leading their institutions, educational leaders should make an effort to implement strategic leadership and management in line with their institutions’ vision, promote transformative change and innovation, implement cross-functional collaboration frameworks, enhance inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA), promote continuing professional development and growth, equip leaders and students with 21st-century skills, build health and wellness systems, promote resilience and positive attitudes in students, and engage students in decision-making, provision of student support services, and investment in education infrastructure and resources
Educational Leadership; Higher Education; Graduation Rate; Student Success; Retention Rate.
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