Impact of Women in BOD on firm performance in Agricultural Cooperative


Thi Thu Hien Phan , Huynh Anh Thu , Nguyen Phan Duc Anh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 34-39 | Views: 28 | Downloads: 11 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14579610

Volume 13 - December 2024 (12)


The research explores the significant impact of female representation as the Board of Directors (BOD) on firm performance. Through a review of existing literature and comprehensive datasets, it is implied that women empowerment in boardrooms enhances decision-making, improves corporate governance, and contributes to better financial outcomes. This study emphasizes that promoting gender diversity at decision-making positions not only enhanced social equity but also ensured profits, providing important insights for corporate leaders and policymakers, and reinforcing the need to support female representation on boards to improve overall firm performance.


Female, BOD, firm performance


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