Effect of Dynamic Capabilities on Organizational Resilience: A Study on the Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Companies in Egypt
Phoebe Adel Zekry Beshara , Saneya Abdelfattah Elgalaly ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-12 | Views: 37 | Downloads: 14 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14575560
Volume 13 - December 2024 (12)
Purpose: The paper aims to answer the research question “To what extent is there an effect of sensing capability, seizing capability, and reconfiguration capability on organizational resilience in manufacturing pharmaceutical companies in Egypt?”.
Design/methodology/ approach: This research used a quantitative approach by surveying a valid sample of 134 pharmaceutical manufacturing companies through a structured questionnaire. The data was collected from decision-makers from top management representing these companies.
Findings: The results confirmed the effect of Dynamic Capabilities (DCs) represented by sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring dimensions on Organizational Resilience (OR).
Originality/ value: This research adds to the organizational resilience literature and attempts to guide Egyptian pharmaceutical manufacturing companies to foster their dynamic capabilities to enhance organizational resilience.
Paper type: Research paper
Dynamic capabilities, sensing, seizing, reconfiguration, strategic resilience, organizational resilience.
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