Projects Resource Mobilization and Performance of the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Program in Kenya


Rogers Wenga Wanyonyi , Dr. Samuel Mokaya , Dr. Benard Lango ,

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Volume 13 - November 2024 (11)


County Government projects face problems despite their great importance in supporting the provision of people's livelihoods and the development of the national economy. Over the years, County governments in Kenya have implemented various development projects such as National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Program (NARIGP). Most county governments implementing NARIGP are reported not to have delivered significant development impacts, with 12% complete, 15% ongoing projects, 67% stalled, and 6% abandoned. Most of the projects under NARIGP have faced challenges related to poor implementation practices. The study aims to assess the influence of project resource mobilization on the performance of the NARIGP in Kenya. The study adopted an explanatory research design targeting a population of 229 respondents comprising project managers, project sponsors, and community members. The study used stratified sampling; the study utilized structured to collect data. The questionnaires were distributed via google forms to collect data for the research and to enhance the questionnaire's validity and reliability; a pilot study was carried out in Kiminini sub-county. Quantitative data were coded and entered into the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS, Version 27.0) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings indicate a positive effect of resource mobilization on the performance of the NARIGP. Based on this conclusion, effective resource mobilization is essential for the project's success. To achieve this, a concerted effort is required to enhance resource mobilization strategies, which include the effective identification of necessary resources for project implementation, such as budgets, equipment, and personnel.  A focused approach to improving resource identification should involve implementing systematic methods to accurately pinpoint all required resources. By doing so, project planning and execution will be more comprehensive and effective. Additionally, it is crucial to strengthen collaboration with stakeholders. Building robust partnerships will facilitate the exploration of additional resources, support, and expertise, thereby enhancing the overall capacity of the project. This collaborative effort not only enriches the resource pool but also fosters a more engaged community, ultimately contributing to the successful implementation and sustainability of the NARIGP


Project Resource Mobilization, Performance, NARIGP, Project


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