The Impact of Cloud Computing on Employee Creativity in Egypt


Ramy Samir ,

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Volume 13 - August 2024 (08)


This study provides a comprehensive analysis of how cloud computing can be leveraged to enhance employee creativity in the Egyptian organizations. The research offers valuable insights and practical recommendations, serving as a roadmap for businesses in Egypt to, effectively, transition to cloud computing and harness its potential to drive innovation and competitiveness. Cloud computing has rapidly become a cornerstone of modern technology, offering great potential for organizations aiming to innovate and compete globally. Despite its promise, many organizations, particularly in Egypt, have yet to adopt cloud computing or fully exploit its benefits. This study investigates the impact of various dimensions of cloud computing cloud application, cloud management, cloud infrastructure, and cloud resources on employee creativity. The choice of this topic is motivated by the fact that the Egyptian companies have to increase their competitive advantage in both technological development and innovative practices. Currently, there is a challenge in understanding how cloud computing can, effectively, be put into practice in enhancing organizational capability, as well as employee creativity. Currently, organizations face significant challenges in cloud computing technologies adoption and optimization, which presents an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage within the fast-changing environment of technology. To address this research problem, a quantitative research methodology has been applied. Data collected through structured questionnaires were distributed among employees in different organizations in Egypt. This analysis is done to determine how important each dimension of cloud computing is in exploring employee creativity, which is an important and essential for keeping and maintaining modern competitive advantages in the global market


Cloud computing, employee creativity, cloud application, cloud management, cloud infrastructure, cloud resources.


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