Exploration of the Strategies Used by Non-institutional actors to Foster Inclusion in the Implementation of County Roads Policy in Narok County, Kenya
Esokomi Aden Angaba , Onyiko Kennedy Karani , Were Edmond Maloba ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 36-50 | Views: 94 | Downloads: 32 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13292336
The need to involve non-institutional actors in the implementation of roads policies is fundamental for good governance and effective service delivery. The county government is a local level layer of policy implementation in Kenya with a mandate to engage non-institutional actors in all policy issues. However, the implementation of local roads policies remains largely dominated by the formal county institutions in concert with national government at the expense of non-institutional actors. This phenomenon necessitated a study to unravel the strategies devised by the non-institutional actors that facilitate visibility in the implementation of County Roads Policy as per the County Spatial Development Plan and the County Roads, Walkways and Parking Bays Act (2018). The study established that the exclusion of key stakeholders such as the non-institutional actors has been a serious challenge in the implementation of policies especially the County Roads Policy. It was further established that the non-institutional actors push for inclusion mostly through collaborations with policy-makers, mobilizing public opinion and pressurizing the government. The study recommends the adoption of policies on increasing the inclusion of non-institutional actors in the implementation of County Roads Policy. Furthermore, the formation and sustenance of policy actor networks is required for sustainable development.
County Roads Policy, Implementation, Inclusion, Non-institutional actors, Strategies, Sustainable development
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