The Influence of Production Resources on Innovation of Automobile Industry in Kenya
James Benjoma Panga , Dr. Dorothy Kirimi , Dr. Vivian Cherono ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 14-26 | Views: 99 | Downloads: 38 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13134419
The study sought to find the influence of production resources on innovation of the automobile industry in Kenya. The study established that innovation of the automobile industry in Kenya was significantly influenced by technological knowledge and skills, financial resources, and the cost of production resources on innovation of the automobile industry in Kenya. The analysis was done by applying Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Version 25). Shown by the multiple regression analysis of 80% shown on table 5. The validity model shown in table 5 indicates that the model is valid (F=.87.159, P=000) implying that it can be used for purposes of prediction. The coefficient model shows the following in table 5: Technological and knowledge skills, 11.4 %( B=0.127), financial resources, 51.9%( B=0.158), cost of resources 16.5%(B=0.143). Otherwise all independent variables (Technological knowledge and skills, financial resources and cost of resources) remaining constant innovation of the automobile industry in Kenya remains at constant (26.3%. According to the bivariate analysis, the coefficient of correlation "r" for Technological knowledge and skills is equal to 0.753 (P=0.000), financial resources is equal to 0.797 (p=0.000), and cost of resources is equal to 0.855 (P=0.000). This demonstrates that the dependent variable (Innovation of automobile industry) and the independent variables have positive significance. This therefore underscores that all null hypotheses were rejected and the alternative hypotheses accepted since the independent variables in the study positively influence innovation of the automobile industry in Kenya.
Cost of production resources, Technological knowledge and skills, Financial resources, Innovation of automobile industry
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