A Critical Analysis of the HVAC Business Model to Determine Its Success Criteria
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Volume 13 - September 2024 (09)
Air conditioning sales in Pakistan have scarcely risen in the recent decade. Air conditioning firms would face stiff competition in this stagnating industry. Some organizations realize that combining goods and services to meet consumer requirements and boost efficiency may boost profits. This Sovietization business model will shift distributors from product-centered to service-centered. Sovietization is not new in Pakistan's air conditioning sector, but it is not widely applied and some operations fail. Pakistan has limited ventilation and air conditioning business model studies. Successful Sovietization deployment requires understanding its components and their effects. This article examines the important success aspects of ventilation and air conditioning Sovietization in Pakistan and how they benefit stakeholders. The author will identify candidate success criteria through literature studies, expert interviews, and surveys. The Dematel approach ranks essential success elements. This research will improve knowledge of the Sovietization business model in Pakistan and foster innovation.
HHVAC business, profitability, Sovietization deployment, Dematel approach, Sovietization business model
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