Analyzing the Relationship between Career Management Practices and Job Satisfaction among College Workers in Ekiti State


BANKOLE Oluwole Adeniyi , AWOKOYA Oluwabunmi Adenike , AGBETUYI, Helen Opeyemi ,

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Volume 13 - May 2024 (05)


This study is to analyse the relationship between career management and job satisfaction among college Workers in Ekiti State. A descriptive survey research design was adopted through the questionnaire. Staff of College of Health Science and Technology, Ijero Ekiti constituted the study population. The sample size was 148 which were selected using Yamane sampling formular. Primary data used for the study were gathered through structured questionnaire. Data gathered were analyzed using the Pearson product-moment correlation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result showed that there is positive and significant relationship between career management job satisfactions. Thus, the study concluded that career management is positively and significantly related to job satisfaction with special reference to College workers in Ekiti State


Career, Career Management, Employee, Satisfaction


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