Research on Customer Loyalty of Pran Frooto Mango Juice in Bangladesh
Md Rezayan Hasan S ny , Wang Sheng , Mondal Srikanto , Rahat Hasan Rabbi , Hossin Mahedi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 23-38 | Views: 108 | Downloads: 30 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11659049
This research endeavors to unravel the complex dynamics of customer loyalty specifically tailored to Pran Frooto Mango Juice within the dynamic market landscape of Bangladesh. In this investigation, a well-organized questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 for strongly disagree to 5 for strongly agree) was utilized to collect data from consumers of Pran Frooto Mango Juice in Bangladesh. The data collection process involved purposive sampling to ensure representative insights. Through the application of structural equation modeling, the study effectively identified the key factors influencing customer loyalty within the context of Pran Frooto Mango Juice in Bangladesh.
The study's findings shed light on the intricate nature of customer loyalty within the context of Pran Frooto Mango Juice. The independent constructs demonstrated a moderate positive relationship among conversion cost, customer's sense of belonging connections, employee loyalty, trust & emotions, and customer satisfaction. These results underscore the pivotal role these factors play in shaping the satisfaction and loyalty of consumers in the specific market landscape of Bangladesh. Among the six factors considered, namely conversion cost, customer's sense of belonging connections, employee loyalty, and trust & emotions, four were identified as influential elements contributing significantly to the customer loyalty of Pran Frooto Mango Juice in Bangladesh.
This research contributes to existing knowledge by addressing a notable research gap. While customer loyalty has been extensively explored in the literature. This study offers original insights by concentrating specifically on Pran Frooto mango Juice in the distinctive context of Bangladesh offering original perspectives that contribute not only to academic discourse but also to practical applications in the beverage industry
Customer management, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction model, beverage products, Structural Equation Modeling, Bangladesh.
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