Assessing the Artistic expressions through 3D Fabrication Signage Art


Eric Kwadwo Amissah , Evans Kwadwo Donkor , Fredrick Boakye-Yiadom ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-34 | Views: 136 | Downloads: 52 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11090917

Volume 13 - April 2024 (04)


This study delves into the intersection of artistry and fabrication techniques within the realm of 3D signage. In recent years, 3D fabrication has emerged as a versatile medium for artists and graphic designers to express their creativity in signage projects. This research focuses on how various fabrication methods, such as CNC routing, laser cutting, and hand sculpting, have been employed to achieve unique artistic visions in signage design. Through qualitative case study design, interviews with artists, designers, fabricators, and visual analysis of contemporary artworks, this study examines the aesthetic possibilities, technical challenges, and conceptual considerations inherent in 3D fabrication signage art. Findings revealed that 3D signages serve as prominent visual elements in various settings, including commercial, public, and private spaces, demanding careful consideration of material selection and fabrication methods to ensure longevity, economic feasibility, and visual impact. The study concludes that 3D fabrication signage presents innovative examples and contributes to the understanding and appreciation of 3D fabrication signage art as a distinct form of contemporary artistic expression.


3D fabrication, fabrication methods, material selection, graphic design, sculpture, signage art


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