The Impacts of National Rebirth Program on the Moral Character of Nigerian Civil Service


Malik Shahzad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 21-35 | Views: 1110 | Downloads: 241 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445807

Volume 6 - September 2017 (09)


This study examines the National Rebirth Program with a view to determine the extent to which it has affected the attitude and behavior patterns of Nigerians with special emphasis on Akwa Ibom State civil servants. The study’s objectives were to investigate the impact of the National Rebirth Program on the moral character of civil service employees in Akwa Ibom State, to find out whether the program has engendered efficiency in service delivery in the state civil service and to recommend ways of making the program more responsive, effective and relevant. The findings of the study revealed that prior to the commencement of Obasanjo’s administration in 1999; Nigerian civil/public service was plagued by moral decadence, inefficiency and poor attitude to work. Moreover, the study revealed that the civil service that was supposed to be the engine room of the system was not spared as vices such as corruption, indiscipline, and other related parochial considerations became prevalent in place of meritocracy, diligence and accountability. Our analysis revealed that the National Rebirth Program have had a positive impact on the moral character, ethical behavior and general attitude of Akwa Ibom State civil servants as it has engendered a reduction in the level of corruption, discipline and increased work commitment in the civil service. The study noted, however, that a greater proportion of civil servants are still influenced by certain negative forces within the larger society. 


Accountability, civil service, efficiency, ethics, national rebirth, service delivery.


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