Green Investment and Its Impact on International Trade and Economic Development
Abdullah Khan , Sajjad Amin , Rehman Zafar ,
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Volume 13 - February 2024 (02)
The investigation aimed to examine how changes in the economy, energy use, green initiatives, and the wooded area impacted fossil fuel byproducts in Malaysia using data from 2000 to 2023. The study employed the ARDL model process, the DOLS, and FMOLS methods, and the Johansen and Engle-Granger cointegration tests for analysis. The findings showed that a 1% increase in financial turn of events, energy consumption, and worldwide exchange use led to increased CO2 emissions. However, a 1% expansion in the zones designated for the construction of rural and ranger services seems to have the ability to reduce CO2 outputs over time. All components have causal relationships found using the Granger causality test. The analysis suggested steps Malaysia could take to reduce its CO2 emissions and deal with the negative effects of global climate change.
Green investment, economic development, international trade, DOLS and FMOLS models, CO2 Emissions, Malaysia
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