The Transformative Influence of Motivation on Organizational Behavior
Zafar Abbas , Asfandiar , Rahmanova Shirin , Homaira Binte Halim ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 31-36 | Views: 147 | Downloads: 57 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10682407
Volume 13 - February 2024 (02)
The study examines the organizational and motivational practices of 102 secondary school teachers across two institutions Chittagong Bangladesh. The study, which uses statistical analysis tools like SPSS and a descriptive analytical methodology, finds that employees are most influenced by the opportunity to take part in training programs, get transportation subsidies, and have a voice in corporate decision-making when such opportunities are provided. Positive markers of organizational behavior include respect, steadily rising performance, and successful learning. Teachers with fewer than eight years of experience and those with less than three years of experience had a greater influence on students' motivation, according to the study. However, the effect of motivation does not vary much with either sex or educational level. These results contribute to our understanding of what drives teachers in this context and have consequences for schools and future study.
Teacher Motivations, organizational behavior, performance improvement, Descriptive analytical technique, educational institutions
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