Ingredion: How Sweet it is in 2021!
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Ingredion is a leading global ingredients solutions company that specializes in sweeteners, starches, and nutritional ingredients used in many different fashions (Ingredion, 2021). Ingredion was founded in 1906 when leading corn refiners merged. They supplied ingredients for Argo cornstarch and Mazola oil. The first name of the Ingredion was CPC (Corn Products Refining Co.) before it became known as Ingredion in June of 2012. Ingredion started by acquiring starch factories in Europe from 1919 until 1987 when they were later sold to Italian sugar manufacturers. They now operate through four segments: North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa (Yahoo Finance, 2020). The company continues to offer various types of ingredients to major food manufacturers around the world. Ingredion turns grains, fruits, vegetables and other plant material into value adding ingredients for food, beverage, paper and other industries (Ingredion, 2021). In addition to having a focus on quality ingredients Ingredion also focuses on being a top tier employer. Ingredion was recently named to the Fortune’s List of World’s Most Admired Companies (Indeed, 2020). This would be the tenth year in a row that Ingredion would appear here. This shows Ingredion’s dedication to not only being a quality supplier and neighbor but also a quality employer. Ingredion was also awarded Forbes award for Top Female Friendly companies in 2021 (Forbes, 2021). This case study will explore the various aspects of Ingredion and assess the overall performance of the firm.
Sweet Ingredions, Sweet
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