Assessment of Effectiveness of Solid Waste Management Strategies of Ekiti State Waste Management Board in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Awe Banji Samuel , Rodiya A.A. , Adeosun E.O. ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-06 | Views: 195 | Downloads: 72 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10113392
The issue bothering on solid waste management has become a great environmental challenge in Sub-Sahara Africa with Nigeria being one of the most affected countries. The estimate of waste generation in Nigeria is 0.65 – 0.95 kg/capital/day, which gives an average of 42 million tonnes which is more than half of 62 million tonnes of waste generated in Sub-Sahara Africa annually. Therefore, the management of these wastes in such a way that, minimum damage to public health and the environment is ensured, has become a huge problem in most cities in the country. This study, therefore, investigated the effectiveness of solid waste management strategies in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. A mixed-method of sampling was used to select eighty-seven (87) respondents which constituted the sample size for the study. Primary data were collected through direct observation and the use of the questionnaire. Findings indicate that the largest composition of waste generated in the study area was an agricultural waste product (50.43%). Communal waste containers (52.08%) and roadsides (31.25%) were the major waste collection points identified. Waste recycling, reuse, and sales of metallic wastes were the strategies used. The majority (87.50%) indicated regular waste collection while 52.08% indicated that the services provided by the waste collectors were good. The study, therefore, concluded that the solid waste management strategies in the study area included: recycling of plastic wastes; reuse of agricultural waste products as compost manure, and sales of metallic wastes. The strategies were seen to be effective, although some challenges such as inadequate waste collection bins, vehicles, and inadequate personnel, were identified. These challenges could be addressed by partnering with private organizations that are interested in solid waste management.
Assessment, Effectiveness, Solid waste, Management strategies.
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