News Frames Emotion: Analysing How Audience are Influenced by News Frames


Akpoghiran, Idamah Patrick ,

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Volume 12 - September 2023 (09)


As a persistent pattern of selection, interpretation, emphasis and presentation, news frames is very fundamental in influencing individual emotions. News is the construct and presentation of the news media. The study examines how audience emotions are influenced by news frames. The study is anchored on the theory of media framing, which deals with how the media package and present information to the audience or how audiences feel about an issue. Using analytical review of literature, the paper is exploratory and explanatory in nature as it adopts the gathering of relevant literature data with the sole aim of interpreting these data in order to achieve the desired aim of the study. Arising from the analyses of data, the study submits that individual’s perception and reaction to news is a product of the journalistic news frame. This is because news frames involves selecting and emphasizing words, expressions, and images and these are capable of influencing audience’s cognitive, attitude and emotional effects. However, audience emotions to news largely depend on the state of the audience’s selection, interpretation and perception processes of the news. Framing is a selective construct with effect.


Audience; Emotion; Influence; News frames


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