Assessing Effect of Learning micro-Expressions by Analyzing Images and Video Training programs
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Micro-expressions are reliable indicators of true emotions and therefore the ability to read them is important in many different professional areas, such as lie detection, criminal study, national security, marketing, sales and service, medical care, and law. The ability to identify micro-expressions can be enhanced with training and practice. Different tools for assessing this ability can be employed in training people to recognize micro-expressions. We conducted two studies on two different samples to examine the effectiveness of the new tool, the Micro Expressions Training Videos program, and comparing it to the Micro Expressions Training Tool. The results of the first study (n = 62) showed that scores obtained on the Micro Expressions Training Videos program correlated with the results obtained in the Micro Expressions Training Tool, which is a well-established instructional tool for micro-expression recognition. The second study (n = 2578) explored the possibility of using the Micro Expressions Training Videos program to provide training in micro-expression recognition. The results showed a systematic growth in participants' performance on Micro Expressions Training Video straining tests, depending on the number completed.
METT, METV, micro-expressions, training, micro-expression recognition
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