The Paradox: Working to fix the past Vs toiling to repeat it


Agenagn Kebede Dagnew ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 05-06 | Views: 341 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7019953

Volume 11 - July 2022 (07)


In the quest of political development, it is perilous to rehearse previous mistakes which will be barriers to political and economic attainment. Associated with this, allow me to enunciate how Abiy Ahmmed is fighting with the past but few individuals in governmental institutions fail to learn and intentionally repeat the past mistake for self-interest. Before the announced resignation of Prime Minister Hailemariam Dsalegn in 2018, Tigray Liberation People Front (TPLF) was the vanguard party in the coalition of the Ethiopian People Revolutionary Democracy Front (EPRDF). However, following the mobs’ revolution and the coming of Prime Minister Abiy to power, TPLF’s people get down-hill from the supreme government. Albeit, few institutions of TPLF have not modified and TPLF's political thinking (Thinking of anti-Ethiopia and Meles's developmental democracy) affiliated individuals are still leading different institutions. The more danger here is that, few of them, who are corrupted with past officers, are playing the patriot role for TPLF. They are assisting it as if there is a possibility of returning back to 4 Killo Palace. People may say why they are doing this. Lemme put brief and short answers for that: One: The coming of TPLF to the central government makes them unquestionable criminal. Two: If Abiy gets cool long political stay, individuals, who committed various crimes in the past will be jailed.


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