Effect of Strategies Adopted By Head Teachers In Enhancing School Community Relations in Mombasa County, Kenya


Margaret Adhiambo Ogam , Eric Mwenda , Eric Mathuva ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 08-13 | Views: 334 | Downloads: 96 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6541895

Volume 11 - March 2022 (03)


The success of a school depends on the headteachers' ability to enhance the school community relations and utilize other available resources effectively. It is important for the headteachers to motivate and influence the relationship by assuring the stakeholders of its sustainability. The general purpose of this research was to examine the effect of strategies adopted by head teachers' in enhancing school-community relations in Mombasa County, Kenya. The specific objective was to analyze the effect of school communication plan in enhancing the school-community relations in Mombasa County. It is hoped that the results of this research would help to improve the understanding of ranges of school community strategies. The study was based on two theories; Social System Theory and Stakeholders Theory, The study was carried out using questionnaires which were given to (47) forty seven headteachers. After collection of data, they were analyzed and conclusions drawn .Data were interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics in the format of percentages and frequencies displayed in tables, charts and graphs. The study found that communication plan significantly enhances the school-community relations in Mombasa County, Kenya. This study was based on the communication plan strategy as the specific objectives and the research question was on how the communication plan enhances the school-community relations in Mombasa County, Kenya.  The finding shows that the respondents indicated that communication plan enhances the school-community relations and these aspects of communication plan included use of media such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, radio, television, periodic newsletters from the headteacher to share pupil’s successes, and big results reaped through networked communication. This study therefore concludes that communication plan enhances the school-community relations. The study has revealed that the communication plan strategy has a significant positive relationship with the school-community relations. The study therefore recommends to the headteachers in particular Mombasa County, Kenya to utilize media such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, radio, and television as this study has established that communication plan strategy enhances school community relation.  This study further established that periodic newsletter from the headteacher to share student successes also enhances school community relation and therefore it recommends that use of periodic news latters should be encouraged in these schools


Effect of Strategies, Head Teachers, Enhancing School Community Relations



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