School Culture, Work Values, And Work Engagement: A Structural Equation Model On Personal effectiveness Of Basic Education Private School Teachers


Rinante L. Genuba, EdD , Milagros D. Saga ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 07-30 | Views: 381 | Downloads: 95 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6044846

Volume 11 - January 2022 (01)


This study determined the best fit model for the personal effectiveness of basic education private school teachers in region XI based on school culture, work values, and work engagement. In this study, a stratified, random sample of 400 respondents was used to test the structural equation model (SEM).  Data were obtained from respondents using a series of modified survey questionnaires that were validated for content validity and reliability in an electronic survey using Google Forms. This was accomplished by emailing the aforementioned Google Forms to the school heads' email addresses. When their teachers responded, the responses were instantly transmitted to the researcher in excel format. Further, this study used a quantitative descriptive and causal approach of research. The results of the study, which used mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and structural equation model (SEM) as statistical tools, revealed that when conferring basic education private school teachers in Region XI, the results of all variables, school culture, work values, work engagement, and personal effectiveness were high. Moreover, a significant relationship existed between these variables.  Work values and work engagement are significant predictors of personal effectiveness. Out of five generated models, Model 5 significantly explained the personal effectiveness of basic education private school teachers with work values through indicators core values, work environments, work interactions, work activities, and school culture with indicators professional collaboration, affiliative collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy. It is the most parsimonious model as it successfully passed all the conventions of a reasonable fit.


education, school culture, work values, work engagement, personal effectiveness, structural equation model, Philippines


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