Student Mobility Program -Kampus Merdeka- In Indonesia: Perspective From Accounting Students
Mas Nur Mukmin , Indra Cahya Kusuma , Ade Budi Setiawan , Endang Silaningsih , Ridwanullah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-06 | Views: 388 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6044820
The Kampus Merdeka student mobility program is a national program of the Indonesian government which is applied to all universities. This study aims to determine the perspectives and interests of accounting students towards the Kampus Merdeka student mobility program. This study uses a survey method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The study was conducted on 129 accounting students. The results show that the perspectives and interests of accounting students are included in the good category. However, efforts are still needed to increase the perspective and interest of accounting students so that the objectives of implementing this program can be felt by more accounting students at Djuanda University
MBKM, Internship, Student Exchange, Student Mobility
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