Conceptualizing Career Development Model for Arab Nations: Jordanian Students’ Perspectives
Mohammad Saleh Salem Alkaraki , Prof. (Dr) Salleh Abd Rashid ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 29-37 | Views: 1025 | Downloads: 293 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445771
The existing literatures on teenage and adolescent decision making have done a lot in terms of assessing career choice factors in many contexts. There are studies on different racial groups, different age groups, different gender, and even different races. There are also studies for people from different nationalities and different family contexts. However, studies are lacking from the perspectives of developing Nations particularly the Middle Eastern Countries including Jordan. Factors used in other countries particularly the Western Nations are to be applied on Jordan students to ascertain the extent of generalization of these studies. This study, thus proposed family role, community influences and cultural factors as likely determinants of Jordanian students career choice. The study is a conceptual work with the aim to propose the variables based on literatures. It is part of a PhD thesis on this field of study which will be empirically validated in no distance time. Academics will be updated accordingly through publications after validation of the model. This study will contribute to knowledge through integration and application of variables hitherto used in developed Nations on developing Nations. Jordanian students will benefit from this study as a guide to their present and future choices.
Career choice, family role, community influence, cultural factors, Arab Nations.
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