Dynamic Nexus between Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth : An Evidence of Emerging Pakistans Economy.


Muhammad Raheel Hisbani , Faiza Hisbani , Ayaz Ahmed ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 77-83 | Views: 767 | Downloads: 171 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5040558

Volume 10 - June 2021 (06)


the nexus between the financial inclusion, economic development and poverty alleviation are widely discussed in recent era. Inclusion is the process of bringing out the left over population while financial inclusion is the strategy through which the business sector as well as individual have access to financial services that meets their needs with dignity and provides them services according to their terms. Financial inclusion includes services like insurance services, savings, payments, loans and credits. State Bank of Pakistan (2015) characterized financial inclusion as admittance to financial services by firms, groups and individuals to utilized their range of product and services i.e. loan, credit, saving and insurance which address their issues gracefully.
Current study looks into the role and the impact of financial inclusion on economic growth and real GDP of Pakistan. In order to draw the results this research study used inferential and descriptive analysis applying Eviews tool. By digging out the existing literature and secondary data the significant results shows that there is a positive and strong relationship between financial inclusion factor and economic growth.


Financial inclusion, Real GDP, Pakistan, Economic growth, Inclusive.


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