Evaluation of Corporate Social Environment Responsibility of Pharmaceutial Multinational Firms in Jamshoro


Rehan Shaikh , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Dr. Zahid Ali Memon , Samina Tunio ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-26 | Views: 823 | Downloads: 172 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5040533

Volume 10 - June 2021 (06)


Wastes are the unwanted materials which can no longer be used in the manufacturing processes that can eventually turn into hazardous or non-hazardous material, to humans/environment. Management of the hazardous wastes is an integral part of pharmaceutical industries. This stud aims to evaluate the current practices of CSER (Corporate Social Environment Responsibility) towards environmental pollution, waste management and the relation between CSER initiatives and company reputation and performance. Pharmaceutical waste management is an important part in pharmaceutical industries.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in two pharmaceutical company that is ARCHROMA and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) working in district Jamshoro Sindh by means of suitable sampling procedure. These tools were used to determine the performance of the company by using the different questionnaire, which are divided into four sections, that is related to the basic information of CSER adopted by the Company, Waste Management and Company initiatives and reputation also check-list of company Waste Management activities.
The sample was taken with upper management, middle management, lower management. The questionnaires were distributed among these employees by using mixed method that is online and physical. Out of 50 distributed questionnaires, 39 were completed and returned, giving overall returning rate of 78%. The further study identified that how the environment like, water pollution, methane emission, soil degradation and living bodies are effected by the company. To reduce these factors which effect the environment there were also working on waste management and disposal. We found there were mostly waste was plastic bags, chemical, expiry medicines and other instruments. The method for disposal was burning the chemical, recycling and other were sent by container to hired company.
The study also measures the performance and corporate reputation of pharmaceutical companies. They were focused to initiate the CSER to maintain their company reputation and sustain their business in market. They were working for different trainings for the capacity building of the employees regarding CSER which has direct and indirect impact on the environment. The study contributes for academic research as well as for the practical implication and also for future research studies.


CSER, GSK, ARCHROMA, Soil degradation, hazardous or non-hazardous, Waste Management.


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