An Analysis of Internet Security Challenges Faced By Organisations in Botswana: The Reviewed Literature


Bogosi Monyamane ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 112-122 | Views: 717 | Downloads: 141 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4678397

Volume 10 - March 2021 (03)


The purpose of this paper was to analyse internet security challenges faced by organisations in Botswana. The paper used the Qualitative Content Analysis approach to analyse secondary data from published articles, conference papers, news articles and government publications that provided statistical data about internet security issues that have been reported by organisations in Botswana and other countries. This paper recommended solutions to internet security challenges faced by organisations as follows: Ensuring that all computers are installed with genuine antivirus software; Regular antivirus updates; Ensuring that firewalls are properly configured to block viruses and intrusions; Filtering email traffic; Regular computer scans; regular data backups; Monitoring system logs; Educating users about security issues: Hiring qualified security experts, as well as implementing information security policies. Most importantly organisations should have sustainable financial budgets towards securing their systems.


Cyber Crime; Network Security, Cyber Security, Internet Security Challenges; Security Attacks; Security Threats; Security Solutions; Security Mechanisms; Computer Security  


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