Patient satisfaction with in-patient hospital services in Public and Private Hospitals in Borama, Northwest Somalia


Xiaomei Li , Sahardid Hussein Ibrahim , Hilal Mohamed Nor , Abdirahman Dahir Wais ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 31-44 | Views: 1113 | Downloads: 251 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4678371

Volume 10 - March 2021 (03)


Background: Patient satisfaction is an individualized perception resulting from the person’s assessment towards the experience of the healthcare services provided. It is a key indicator to evaluate quality of healthcare. Satisfaction studies were less addressed in the continent compared to the other developing countries. This study is the first of its kind conducted in Somalia.
Objective: This study aims to assess the level of patient satisfaction with inpatient healthcare services in public and private hospitals in Borama.
Method: A cross-sectional study design was conducted from 11 July to 5th September 2019 at Borama regional hospital and Allaale hospital. Convenience sampling method was applied to recruit 270 patients as participants. A standardized structured questionnaire cited from similar literature was used to assess the level of patient satisfaction towards inpatient hospital services. SPSS version 13 were applied for data input and analysis.
Results: A total of 250 inpatients completed the study. We observed overall net inpatient satisfaction mean score of 3.91± 0.83 on private hospital and 2.64 ±1.19 on public hospital. Dimensions of Medical Care 4.03 ±0.84 and Information 3.12 ±1.26 were found to have the highest and the lowest proportion of satisfaction in private hospital, while Discharge and Aftercare 2.51±1.18 and Information 2.27 ±1.12 remains the highest and the lowest satisfaction scores in public hospital. Multivariate analysis of socio-demographic characteristics, older groups have higher satisfaction than others (p<0.05), while females have higher satisfaction on information dimension. Students, middle income groups and urban resident remain higher satisfaction on most of the satisfaction dimensions (p<0.05). Patients in private hospital remains higher satisfaction scores in all evaluated dimensions compared to patients hospitalized in public hospital.
Conclusion: Generally, patients were satisfied with the hospital services acquired, with a higher satisfaction level on private hospital. Higher levels of satisfaction were found in the dimensions of admission procedure, nursing care and medical care, while lower were noted in the dimensions of information delivery, patient autonomy and discharge and aftercare, especially in public hospital. It is suggested that hospitals should take improvement measures concerning organization and management in order to deliver quality health services, improve patient satisfaction and take their competitive role in the country’s healthcare services.


In-patient Hospital Services, Satisfaction, Public Hospital, Private Hospital


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