Impact of Credit Risk on Banks Profitability in Pakistan: Study of Conventional Banks
Afaque Ahmed , Shah Muhammad Kamran ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 22-30 | Views: 614 | Downloads: 175 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4678368
Credit risk (CR) management has become a crucial factor for banks in order to stay competitive and maximize profitability. Some of the most severe financial crises that the world has faced have been due to CR's ineffective management. According to the statistics for the Banking System in Pakistan (SBP, 2018), the CR for banking is on the rise, which poses a severe threat to the banks' financial health in Pakistan. This study's main objective is to determine how the CR of the commercial banks operating in Pakistan can influence their profitability. For this purpose, the study used a secondary research method and collected data from the official websites of 22 commercial banks. In addition, a sample size of 10 banks has been selected to ensure accuracy. Based on the market capitalization, ten banks with the most excellent market capitalization among all the commercial banks were selected. Risk management factors considered were the Non-performing Loan Ratio (NLPR) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), while Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA) were selected as the indicators of the banks' profitability. The study found that NLPR and CAR directly affect and assess the profitability of Pakistan's major commercial banks.
Commercial banks, credit risk, panel data regression performance, profitability.
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