Real Situation of Construction of New Rural Resources in Vietnam River Delta


Thi Phuong Thao Pham , Thuy Linh Tran , Mai Thanh Nong ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 130-144 | Views: 690 | Downloads: 165 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4572801

Volume 10 - January 2021 (01)


Socio-economic development of rural areas in the Red River Delta is unsustainable, the efficiency of resource use is still low, reflecting: environmental pollution, labor productivity and competitiveness of many products are not yet comparable. is commensurate with the existing potentials and advantages and is still far behind in some rural countries in the region. Therefore, researching as well as giving suitable solutions to promote rural development of the Red River Delta is very necessary in the present conditions. In the framework of this article, the author only mentions some main aspects of the current state of rural production development in the Red River Delta and a number of raised issues, on that basis providing a number of solutions. to contribute to promoting rural production in the Red River Delta in the coming time.


New countryside, rural, Red River Delta, Vietnam.


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