Evaluating Primary Responsibilities of Faculty Members with Faculty Performance Indicator Score Card (FPISC): An Academic Perspective of Pakistan


Khushkar Ali , Adnan Pitafi , Arabella Bhutto , Asif Ali Shah , Abdul Sami Qureshi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 34-42 | Views: 552 | Downloads: 148 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4497557

Volume 10 - January 2021 (01)


Evaluation of faculty members’ performance in terms of their primary responsibilities is difficult, particularly when the contribution of faculty members is self-directed and uncoordinated. The model of scorecard is derived from the corporate sector, in which an organization identifies the key factors which are co-related with academia’s mission. These factors are aligned then in accordance with the strategic importance, and every employee is set to evaluate as per the criteria of these factors. The process to correlate the principle responsibilities of faculty members with the University’s mission has not previously been described. Thus,  in this paper, the idea of scorecard has been applied to the academic environment, where key faculty performance competencies: Teaching competence, Research competence, and Service competence are set to evaluate in the perspective of the mission of academia. This study possesses qualitative nature, conducted through secondary data collection, including Job Descriptions, Teacher Evaluation Form, Higher Education Commission’s Quality Assurance Manual, and other related documents. This scorecard has introduced a mechanism, which can evaluate the faculty members' performance in terms of their primary responsibilities in raw score. Using this scorecard, the competency of faculty members in their teaching, research, and service will separately be measured, which can reflect a clear picture of faculty member’s performance in each of his/her primary responsibility and total score can determine when the score obtained against each of the responsibility will be accumulated. This scorecard is given name as, “Faculty Performance Indicator Score Card (FPISC)” that can be used to separately determine the strengthened and weak area of faculty members’ performance in term of their primary responsibilities (Teaching, Research, and Service) in academia, which can certainly be helpful for Institute/Department, University to deliver the competency and productivity backed by the mission of academia.


Primary Responsibilities; Faculty members, Performance Indicator; Scorecard. 


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