Computational Fluid Dynamics Flow Through a Wastewater Trap Model A2
Mohamed S ISMAIL , Sushil KHIMJI ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-11 | Views: 514 | Downloads: 160 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4497476
This analysis demonstrates the proposed study of computational fluid dynamics through wastewater trap model A2 (WTA2). The project aims to study the flow performance such as head loss, water level, pressure profile, velocity profile and particle trapping efficiency and validate it with the experimental outcomes. The scale model WTA2 was computationally tested at four different flow rates mainly; 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 l/s. The analysis outcomes revealed that the head loss increases in proportion to flow rates. Pressure and velocity profile show high values close to the cylindrical wall and low values at the centre. It has been proved that the smaller particles sizes had lower trap efficiency than bigger particle sizes. The overall trap efficiency decreases as the flow rate increases.
Head Loss, Water Level, Pressure & Velocity Profiles, Trapping Efficiency
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