Experimental Model of Atherosclerosis with Lesions in Aorto-iliac Axis in ApoE -/- Mice


Luis Riera del Moral , Alexia Paluso Montero , Carlota Largo Aramburu , Teresa Vallejo Cremades , Teresa Hernández Ruiz ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 12-18 | Views: 775 | Downloads: 151 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4576980

Volume 10 - February 2021 (02)


Introduction: Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory chronic disease which has an elevated prevalence. The mouse model is the most commonly used.
Materials and methods: An experimental and descriptive study of a group of 20 male mice C57BL/6J KO apoE -/- fed high-fat diet during 14 weeks was carried out. Analysis of the aorto-iliac axis and the presence of advanced atherosclerotic lesions affecting the subjects, as well as levels of triglycerids and total cholesterol. Weight of each subject was measured every week.
Results: There is a global tendency in all the subjects to gain weight and have higher levels of triglycerids and total cholesterol at the end of the study. Most subjects developed advanced atherosclerotic lesions in histological samples.
Discussion: Most studies have analyzed lesions in aortic root, but these don´t allow to know the severity of the disease. In the same line as other studies, we have successfully obtained atherosclerotic lesions.
Conclusions: This experimental model with genetically modified mice provides the development of advanced atherosclerotic lesions in the aorto-iliac axis after high-fat diet during 14 weeks and a correlation with alteration of the lipoprotein profile in plasma.


Experimental Model, Atherosclerosis, Aorto-Iliac Axis


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