The Semio-Semantic and Social Study of the Media Role in Relation with COVID-19 in Pakistan: A Scientific, Social and Spiritual Analysis


Robina Shaukat ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 54-106 | Views: 568 | Downloads: 154 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4399265

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


The study highlights the problems in present time media about issues in corona virus posts, videos, discussions safety measures about Covid19 in Pakistan on social media resources all that we are feeling, observing and watching  of ourselves or about others, The researchers used the quantitative and qualitative research method and descriptive in nature. The researchers have started with collecting data from different websites and questionnaires and interviews discussions with learners and doctors for guidance  and doctors for the semio-semantic analysis. The researchers have explored the social, economic, biological, psychological, moral, spiritual and demographic characteristics of the respondent, by investigating various social and economic dimensions that lead to the nature of problems of psychological issues as in abnormalities of perception, illusions of hallucinations as false conception, delusion as misperception, and  schizophrenia. It is recommended that the quarantine ‘LOCKDOWN’ 2020 is not a horror but is an opportunity to turn back to family, friends and Allah Almighty’s obligations. It’s the best time to ponder upon what has been done in the past, amend the present and plan for a better future. It is recommended that on social media the use of  sophisticated, and polished language free from religious, sectionalism and regional biased approach may be used. Humanity respect may be entertained and is appreciated in caring and healthy suggestions.


social media, modern era issues of bad health, wealth, materialistic approach , spiritual morality, life worth, save humanity.



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