The Dynamic Association between COVID-19 and Chronic Disorders: An Updated Insight into Prevalence Mechanism and Therapeutic Modalities


Dr Tehneyat Khadija , Dr Wardah Khalid , Dr Ana Akbar , Dr Saud Raza ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-53 | Views: 696 | Downloads: 193 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4399244

Volume 9 - December 2020 (12)


Covid-19 has emerged in December 2019 from the Wuhan city of china as a fatal disease with the drastic outcome which dreadfully affects life at the global level. The objective of this study is to determine the association of the chronic disease with covid-19. This cross-sectional based study was conducted at Shalimar hospital Lahore, Pakistan from May to July 2020. Total of 424 participants including 74 females and 350 males. The obtained results show that males are more susceptible to covid-19 and the life of patients with pre-existing chronic disease is more at risk than a healthy person. Statistically, the average age of patients is 50 with OR (1.751) (CI 1.32-1.71), a p-value less than 0.01, and the OR value of males is high than females that show males had a greater association with the covid-19 disease than females. Similarly, hypertension patients (41.9%) and diabetes (32.54%) had a substantial association with covid-19, OR (0.354), Cl 1.95-1.98, and OR (0.322), CI 1.27-2.23 respectively. Chronic liver disease was found in 13.44% (OR=1.89.CI=1.45-1.55) patients, heart disease 8.72% (OR=0.145, Cl=1.23-1.25) and cancer 3.3% (OR=0.121, CI= 1.27-1.33) with a p-value greater than 0.01. The OR values indicated that chronic disorder has a significant association with covid-19 and evidence of the mechanism of action shows that covid-19 has the ability to develop a chronic disease. However, we concluded that its lethal effects also depend on the patient’s disease status.


Covid-19, chronic liver disorder, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes


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