The Analysis Of Store Atmosphere And Shopping Lifestyle Effects In Rubylicious Consumer


Winarto , Yanda Bara Kusuma , Dinatul Islamiyah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 18-23 | Views: 611 | Downloads: 169 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4305660

Volume 9 - November 2020 (11)


Fashion industry is the growth business industry, Rubylicious store is one of this type industry that provides the best quality and creative value by creating the upto date fashion products. The subject of the researchis 140 Rubylicious consumers who made unplanned-purchases. Data collection is questionnaires that applies Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The data is analyzed by using IBMSPSS AMOS 21 for Windows. Theresults conclude that store atmosphere has positive and significant effects on Positive Emotion, and positive emotion has positive and significant effect on impulse buying, however, shopping lifestyle and store atmosphere do not have positive and significant effect on impulse buying.


Store Atmosphere, Shopping Lifestyle, Positive Emotionand Impulse Buying


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