Private Schooling Preference over Public Schooling (Research methodology and report writing)


Muhammad Usman Malik , Muhammad Aqeel , Najaf Abbass ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 16-22 | Views: 1052 | Downloads: 268 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445727

Volume 6 - May 2017 (05)


Private schooling is an important feature of the educational landscape in Pakistan and is increasingly a topic of public and government discourse. (Quynh Nguyen, Dhushyanth Raju, 2014)  Two types of educational institutions are working in Pakistan to provide education to children’s. Government trying to make equal education system across the Pakistan, government announce different educational packages to increase the enrollment rate in public school providing free books, monthly allowances to attract female students and with nominal fee and on the other hand enrolment in private schools has been increasing greatly. (Dawn News, 2014) Private schools have become a necessity for contemporary Pakistani society since the government has failed to provide quality education for its population. A majority of parents, even those from lower income brackets, send their children to private schools so they can receive an education that will enable them to be competitive, (Khan, 2009). Increasingly, parents are responding to perceived inadequate public education by enrolling their children in private schools. There is huge gap between the quality of education and standard being followed in private schools and public school and there are several factors which influence household to get their children’s into private schools instead of public school.The question is if both type of schools have flaws and education is free in public sector schools and Government of Pakistan is trying to universalize the school education, then why parents are preferring the private schools (Khan, Noreen & Marriam, 2012). To find out these factors this research has been initiated.


private Schooling, Public Schooling


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