Design of MSE Walls Welded with Wall Panels


Sheikh Rifat Iftekhar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 9-11 | Views: 626 | Downloads: 167 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4305653

Volume 9 - November 2020 (11)


This study delineates the use and application of finite element analysis (FEA) software, namely, ABAQUS, for modeling and designing a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall welded with wired wall panels. A three-dimensional wall panel welded by steel wires is constructed for analysis under service loads with varying parameters and standard properties of steel and concrete. The earth pressure and pullout loads on the anchorage system are calculated to examine the feasibility of using ABAQUS software as an effective tool for simulating the wired wall panels for a MSE wall and hence determine the modes of failure for 3D wall facings.


ABAQUS, FEA, MSE wall, Soil Stabilization, Wall panel.


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