Factors Affecting Teacher Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions: A Citation Analysis
Ms Raeesa Rashdi , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Ghazala Panhwar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 35-49 | Views: 968 | Downloads: 449 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4260719
In higher education, teacher evaluation is conducted in every semester to know their teaching quality. Hence, the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that affect teacher evaluation practices at university level. This study comprises of two parts identification and analyzation. The main factors identified from literature (secondary data) are instructional and non-instructional and citation analysis was used as a research technique. Findings of this study show that in the category of non-instructional factors, instructor-related factor has more impact on teacher evaluation practice and administrative-related factor has less impact. Moreover, in the category of instructional factors, knowledge about the subject matter has more impact on teacher evaluation practice and teaching method has less impact. Further it can be done through primary collection of data for example, qualitative study to validate the past finding of the literature. The results of this study suggests that management should not make decisions regarding teacher’s evaluation on the basis of instructional factors (filled evaluation forms) but non-instructional factors should also be considered
Teacher evaluation, higher education institutions, quality enhancement cell, quality education, citation analysis.
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