Paediatric Pain Management: Using Complementary and Alternative Medicine


Dr Muhammad Abbas , Dr Hassan Abbas , Dr Sehar Nadeem ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 47-53 | Views: 629 | Downloads: 169 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4059678

Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)


Children feel acute pain, and many have chronic pain. Babies and children may be at higher risk of chronic pain sensibilities because of their growth mechanisms than adult’s .Acute and chronic pain must be handled to reduce the suffering of children and avoid complications of potential pain. Full and complementary (CAM) treatment should be taken into consideration in the management of acute and chronic paediatric pain in compliance with a biopsychosis view point .Although the literature is minimal for paediatric pain, hypnotherapy, acupuncture and music therapy are the most reliable treatments. The therapeutic advantages of yoga, massages, humor therapy and the use of biologically-oriented treatments are also shown


Paediatric Pain Management



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