Policy Implementation of the Prostitution Preventionin Surabaya City


Nurul Umi Ati , Soesilo Zauhar , Sarwono , Lely Indahmindarti ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 39-46 | Views: 648 | Downloads: 182 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4059676

Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)


The implementation of the Prostitution Prevention and Control Policy in Surabaya, East Java Province has been implemented but there were still various obstacles, among others, based on policy implementation. Children will lose the right to enjoy education and welfare, many elements of society reject the plan to close Dolly's localization. Besides the difficulties in terms of the thousands of sex workers who need to be rehabilitated by being given job training and repatriated to them they will need a very large compensation fund. Based on public policy instruments it is known that from the voluntary model instrument, commercial sex workers (CSWs) have been given skills training as well as spiritual spray or recitation regularly to be repatriated, based on mixed instruments, closing localization begins with socialization involving all levels of Surabaya City Government, the entire community in Dolly, local neighbourhood or halmet, community leaders, religious leaders, and officials. Then the warning board was installed, but the installation of the bulletin board at the end of Jarak street or near DukuhKupang which got resistance. Dolly Residents and Jarak held a bulletin board after hundreds of residents burned tires in the middle of the road as a refusal. Residents also attacked the police with stones. Other problems regarding compensation, many pimps who are also halmets who enter the names of other people either from CSWs or not in the CSW data collection will be submitted to be requested for compensation funds to the City Government in the hope that the compensation funds will be disbursed and will be shared between pimps and Outside sex workers or ordinary women. Based on mandatory instruments, the Surabaya City Government to prevent and control prostitution in Dolly Jarak provides facilities for ex-pimps, future hopeful women (former CSWs) and affected communities. Based on the collaboration of actors in the implementation of policies on prevention and repetition of prostitution in Surabaya, it is known that local actors both in the form of formal institutions and informal institutions include: Surabaya City Government Actors, namely: Surabaya Mayor, Surabaya City Government Agency, Putat Jaya District Official ; Affected Communities: CSWs, pimps, street vendors, Neigbourhood (RT) or Hamlet (RW), NGOs; and the Indonesian National Police and National Army. Regional Actors include: East Java Provincial Government: East Java Governor, who played a role in closing the localization of Dolly and National Actors in the form of the Ministry of Social Affairs, knowing that Dolly's prostitution closure was initiated by the Ministry of Social Affairs and then followed by the Mayor of Surabaya. The Surabaya City Government is actually only as the executor of the policies that have been made by the Central Government and forwarded by the Regional Government.


Implementation, Prostitution Prevention and Control Policy


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