Sustainability of an Employee Based Savings and Credit Co-Operative Society: A Case of Dar Es Salaam City Council Saccos Tanzania.
Download Full PDF Pages: 88-94 | Views: 923 | Downloads: 210 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408213
This study presents an analysis on the sustainability and the ability of an employee-based Savings and ‘Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS) to meet its members’ needs. The main concern of the study was to understand whether SACCOS are able to respond to members’ needs and to examine sustainability of SACCOS. The research design used in the study was a case study. The population consisted of 45 Dar Es Salaam City Council SACCOS members and the sample size was 15 which is 33% of the population. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings indicate that employee-based SACCOS have insufficient funds to meet members’ requirements. The credit needs are left unmet and thus to a large extent discourage members. The researcher concludes that employee-based SACCOS are essential for economic development of its members; and recommends increasing the contribution from members and employers to assist in raising the funds.
Credit Co-Operative Society,Sustainability, Employee
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