Determinants of Strategy Implementation in the Mandera County


Shamhad Mohamud , Mary Mbithi , Dorothy Kirimi ,

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Volume 9 - September 2020 (09)


The main aim of the research is to establish the determinants of strategy Implementation practices of the Mandera County Government. The research was directed by The McKinsey 7-S Model. The target population included senior management staff, middle management staff, and lower management staff. Thus from the above, the target population is composed of 58 respondents. The research used the census sample technique; the data collection instrument that was used to collect data from the selected respondents will include the questionnaire. The data was organized, edited, analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics. The study used the computer programmer SPSS version 23 to analyze the data. The regression model is also used to analyze the data. The results were presented using frequency tables, percentages, charts and graphs. The research findings indicated that top management commitment and organizational culture influence the strategy Implementation in the Mandera County. The findings of the study also indicated that individual responsibilities on the strategy Implementation in the Mandera County. The study recommended that the study recommends that leadership needs to support the performance of the county government in order to enhance efficiency and improve performance and that management offers financial support to increase implementation of strategies which is crucial for improving performance. There is also a need for the management to be very keen on making strategic decisions necessary in improving the county government's performance. The financial budget should be allocated every year to implement various strategies that are necessary for the improvement of county government   performance. There is also a need for the county government to adhere to the set out guidelines on strategy implementation necessary for the improvement of organization performance and the staff should work intensively together with the management to ensure that the staffs are motivated to realize the county governments’ strategies for improved performance


Strategy Implementation, Government, Top Management Commitment, Organizational Culture. Performance


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