Indonesian Correctional Penitentiary Governance Policy
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Frequent riots in prisons between prisoners and officers are a never-ending problem and becoming a problem in Indonesia. Overcapacity and lack of human resources are the trigger factors. As is known, one of the main problems that occur in Indonesian prisons is overcapacity. This is a commitment from the government, in this case the ministry of law and human rights, is needed to find the best solution by providing adequate facilities and infrastructure by increasing human resources, both in quality and quantity. Therefore this research is important to know how the governance of correctional institutions in Indonesia. In this study the authors used qualitative methods through literature study. The result of the study in this research is that the management of correctional institutions in Indonesia is not yet optimal, the problem of law enforcement, lack of facilities and infrastructure and human resources are urgent issues to be resolved immediately.
evaluation, governance, policy, correctional, prison
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