Effect of Enterprise Resource Planning in Supply Chain Management Module on The Performance Of County Governments


Jennifer S. Mwilu , Dr. M-Nchebere , Dr Odunga ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 15-23 | Views: 665 | Downloads: 178 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4016628

Volume 9 - August 2020 (08)


The main objective of the study was to establish the effect of ERP in supply chain management module on the performance of County governments in North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB). The study is informed by Institutional Theory (Transaction Cost Economics). The study employed explanatory. The study targeted 1,640 permanent employees from ICT and finance ministries from six counties in the North Rift region in Kenya. These included: Nandi, Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Trans Nzoia, Baringo and West Pokot Counties. Simple random sampling techniques were used to select a representative sample of 321 employees in the ICT and revenue departments from the six County governments. The findings in have showed that integration of ERP in the SC module has a positive and significant effect on county performance (β1 = 0.102, p = 0.01) Thus, the study inferred that ERP in SCM key determinants in performance of county government. Therefore, the study recommends that all the departments in the organization that are yet to be integrated should be integrated to reap the benefits of integration. The study also recommends that all public organizations should adopt ERP with the aim of improving their efficiency


Supply chain management, ERP, performance, County governments 


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