The provision of Learner Support Services in Open and Distance Education: A case study of Botswana Open University (BOU), Botswana
Bogosi Monyamane , Lindiwe Monyamane ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 07-14 | Views: 690 | Downloads: 187 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4016624
The purpose of the study was to investigate the provision of learner support services in open and distance education by Botswana Open University. From the 970 learner population in BOU, Francistown Campus; 388 learner respondents (40%) were selected through stratified random sampling to participate in the study. The strata were grouped based on gender, age, education level and programmes of study in order for the various sub-groups to be represented during sampling. A close-ended questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. The findings of the study revealed that 54% of learner respondents were satisfied with learner support services provided by Botswana Open University. However, 28% of the learners revealed that the standard of the university learner support services needed to be improved while 18% of them highlighted that both distance learners and tutors needed intensive training on distance education, online learning forums and digital educational technologies. The study recommended that the learner support services provided by higher education providers should be inclusive and supportive at all levels.
Provision; Learner Support Services; Distance and Open Learning; Inclusive; Educational Technologies
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